How It Works:

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Why Gravitas Threads is Savage

App Feature Image
App Feature Image

Installation & Setup Instructions

Follow these simple steps to get Gravitas Threads running in your chrome browser:

  1. Install the App:
    Go to the Google Chrome Marketplace, search for “Gravitas Threads”, and click Install. Approve any requested permissions to finish. Chrome Store Install
  2. Navigate to a subreddit or user page:
    Click the Launch Gravitas button on the bottom right of the window.
  3. Run Simulation:
    Click the Threads button in the Gravitas user interface.
  4. Reload Chrome for new subs and pages:
    Reload the browser when navigating to new subreddits and/or user pages to re-generate the data.
  5. Clickable video support:
    Pause the animation and select the light grey balls to display gifs and videos.
  6. No coding required! Just set it up, and let the physics do the rest.

App Feature Image

See more, scroll less. A smarter way to explore Reddit.

  1. 🚀 Our Chrome Extension is SEXY.
  2. 💎 It’s FREE.
  3. 🔥 All we ask? A quick review if you love it.

Try it now & make your browser better.

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