How It Works:

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Why Gravitas Discover is Great for Recommendations

App Feature Image
App Feature Image

Installation & Setup Instructions

Follow these simple steps to get Gravitas Threads running in your chrome browser:

  1. Install the App:
    Go to the Google Chrome Marketplace, search for “Gravitas Threads”, and click Install. Approve any requested permissions to finish. Chrome Store Install
  2. Navigate to Etsy, Temu, or most Shopify Storefronts:
    Click the Launch Gravitas button on the bottom right of the window.
  3. Run Simulation:
    Click the Threads button in the Gravitas user interface.
  4. Reload Chrome when navigating to new pages:
    Reload the browser when navigating to new websites, product pages, search and so on to re-generate the data.
  5. No coding required! Just set it up, and let the physics do the rest.

App Feature Image

See more, scroll less. A smarter way to explore Etsy, Temu, and most Shopify Storefronts.

  1. 🚀 Our Chrome Extension is SEXY.
  2. 💎 It’s FREE.
  3. 🔥 All we ask? A quick review if you love it.

Try it now & make your browser better.

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